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Curriculum Vitae




Selected Publications

Reed, S.  & Forbes, A. (2023). Hero shots: The hero myth as a visual frame in American television coverage of Lance ArmstrongElectronic News.

Reed, S. (2023). 'The lessons of 9/11 haven't been learned': World Trade Center Cough Syndrome reframed as a national news item during COVID-19 pandemic. Newspaper Research Journal

Reed, S., & Harker, J. (2022). Dope and deny: A Comparative study of news frames in American and Russian coverage of American and Russian athletes. International Journal of Sport Communication, 15(4).

Reed, S. (2019). Who is to blame? An examination of American sports journalists’ Lance Armstrong Hero narrative and post-doping confession paradigm repair. Journal of Sports Media, 14(2), 67-91.

Reed, S., & Harrison, G. (2019). "Insider Dope" and NBA trade coverage: A case study of unnamed sourcing in sports journalism. International Journal of Sport Communication, 12(3), 419-430.

Reed, S. (2018). Practice makes perfect? A longitudinal study of experiential learning in sports journalism. Teaching Journalism & Mass Communication, 8(2), 38-46.

Reed, S. (2018). Boosters or watchdogs? American sports journalists’ perception of their professional roles. Journal of Emerging Sport Studies, 1(1).


Reed, S. (2018). “I’m not a fan. I’m a journalist”: Measuring American sports journalists’ sports enthusiasm. Journal of Sports Media, 13(1), 27-47.


Reed, S. (2015). Four Areas of Collegiate Student-Athlete Privacy Invasion. Communication & Sport, 3(3), 348-363.


Reed, S., & Hansen, K. A. (2013). Social Media’s Influence on American Sports Journalists’ Perception of Gatekeeping. International Journal of Sport Communication, 6(4), 373-383.


Reed, S. (2013). American Sports Writers’ Social Media Use and its Influence on Professionalism. Journalism Practice, 7(5), 555-571.


Reed, S. (2011). Sports Journalists’ Use of Social Media and its Effects on Professionalism. Journal of Sports Media, 6(2), 43-64.

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